The Kusp places creatives from diverse backgrounds into film studios, ranging from fashion brands like Flannels to BAFTA award winning studio Somesuch.
The studios would call The Kusp and ask for a creative who matched their needs. For example a Photographer or Director.
The Kusp’s team would look at their long list of creatives then create a shortlist of who they thought fit the position. They would then check if the creatives were available and put those that they thought would suit the position forward to the film studios. This high touch approach gave studios confidence that they were getting the best talent.
The Kusp has done this successfully for years but realised that a few problems were stopping them scaling:
- Studios often need creatives with only 1/2 days notice, and The Kusp sometimes struggled to fulfil this
- The Kusp team had to have a lot of involvement in every placement
The Kusp approached us to build a web based platform that allowed film studios to browse and find their own creatives.
We held workshops with The Kusp, interviewed the primary users and divised a vision of the process for the app.
Once interviews were complete, the users desired features and expressed problems were prioritised and used to created a plan for the Phase 1 app build.