Helping trans people through their name change journey


Namesake has been built to help LGBTQ people change their name and gender marker.

Luke, Namesake’s CEO changed his name and gender marker a few years ago and struggled through the United States’ complicated process.

Luke approached the Mokutan team with an idea of how tech could be used to help individuals who were going through the process to have a smoother journey than the one he did.

Essentially the aim of the app was to collect the information that most of the forms throughout the process asked for, i.e. Old Name, New Name, Date of Birth and then pre-fill the majority of each form for the users.



During scoping our aim was to build a clear vision of the future Namesake product.

The minimum viable product aimed to test demand of Namesake’s solution and test the functionality of the product. To test it was targeted at a specific community that Luke had close ties with in Massachusetts.

We broke down the current process in Massachusetts and explored how Namesake could build something to improve that process.

As a result of the scoping, we decided to build an app that allowed people to use the app exclusively to fill the forms that made up the process. A lot of the same information was repeated throughout so we could pre-fill the later forms by capturing this information up front.

We explored ways to capture the information in our app and then create a program that would fill those pdfs digitally so the customers didn’t need to leave the app.


  • Changing your name in the United States is difficult
  • There are lots of forms and it's a complicated process
  • But they all ask for similar information
  • We built a web application where a user can put in all of their information once
  • All of that information is then used to pre-fill other forms
  • The app guides you through the name change process
  • Focused on trust in design process to position Namesake as a pillar
  • Built with scale in mind for future iterations
  • Clear communication meant we were able to seamlessly build the application remotely


The Namesake team had a clear visual guideline for the type of colours and typography of the app.

The core of the app was made up of forms that filled in corresponding PDF pages so our primary aim was to create a nice form filling experience in the design.

As people were filling personal information we focused on invoking trust throughout the process. For example having a picture of the form that people were filling in so they could understand why they were being asked certain questions.

We designed the database with speed in mind, making sure regularly used information was accessible easily and at speed by the platform.


Development of the application was smooth and consisted of three main development processes.
  • Developing the Bubble front end. This was smooth and straightforward
  • Creating the API to pass information from Bubble to our scripts that filled the actual PDFs
  • Writing node.js scripts to fill the PDFs
The build took 3 months from idea to first external users. After some further feedback we added a couple of forms for other users that would have a slightly different journey and then rolled out state wide.

The app has been used to help numerous people through a previously complicated process and there is now scope to launch country wide.



The focus on trust in design means that Namesake's brand can continue to be a pillar of helpfulness in the complicated process


Consistent and clear communication meant we were able to build highly successfully and remotely!


Our approach in combination with an external API means we can scale to another front-end solution more easily as and when Namesake is ready to build a production ready application
"Mokutan were fantastic! They understand what it's like to be a founder and how to take something from idea to reality. They communicate well, are attentive, and transparent, with a clear passion for helping people build cool things -- highly recommend!"
Luke Lennon - CEO | Founder of Namesake Collaborative LLC